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Yokine Community Playgroup
Venue Hire Terms & Conditions


Included here is a copy of the Conditions of Hire for your review and acceptance.  Please read the Conditions of Hire carefully to ensure your booking needs are met and that your party runs smoothly. If we do not hear from you, and you decide to proceed with your booking, you will be deemed to have accepted the Conditions of Hire.

1. Booking Fee, Cancellation and Use of the Venue

You must pay a Booking Fee of $150 together with a Bond of $250, ($400 total) in full at the time of booking.  

If you wish to cancel your booking please advise our Bookings Officer as soon as possible. We reserve the right to deduct 10% of the booking fee as a cancellation fee. This only applies to the booking fee and not the bond.

Members and non-members are eligible to hire the Venue under this contract.


We have a ‘one function per day’ policy, which will give the person who has booked the Venue the whole day (from 8am – 8pm). The venue must be vacated by 8pm.

2. Access to Premises

We will contact you via email 24 hours prior to your party regarding arrangements for the key. Please note that the premises can NOT be hired for evening or night-time parties and must be cleaned and vacated before 8pm.


3. Cleaning


The Venue must be thoroughly cleaned and tidied - floors vacuumed and properly mopped and toys returned to their original places. Furniture needs to be returned to its original place, see pictures on the pin-up board above the couches in the feeding corner for reference on what this should look like. Please check that no food scraps have been left under the tables and chairs, in the couches, amongst the toys and equipment including in the outdoor play area (a favourite is, cake out in the cubby house). The sandpit should also be checked. All party rubbish is to be removed from the Venue as we do not have the capacity to accommodate this in our playgroup bins. All decorations must also be taken down.

Note - vacuum and thorough mopping of inside floors are essential. We have young baby groups who use the facility Monday mornings after weekend parties (and throughout the week) who crawl on the floors and are at risk of allergy and anaphylaxis to a wide range of products and foods. 


4. Nuts

Yokine Community Playgroup is a nut-free venue.  Please ensure that all food brought and/or consumed at the Venue is free of any nut product.

5. Decorating

Please ensure that no decorations are hung from fans or any other dangerous positions.  For maintenance purposes, no sticky-tape or blue-tack is to be used on windows.  Please ensure that all decorations (including any sticky-tape) are fully removed before departing.   If decorating with balloons, please make sure that these are collected prior to leaving the premises. No water balloons are allowed.

Balloons, and all other decorations are a hazard to those that frequent the centre which includes babies who use the floor. Please also ensure that you check the entirety of outside including the sandpit prior to leaving for any rubbish that may have been left behind.

6. Smoking

Yokine Community Playgroup is a non-smoking venue.  This is due to the danger of passive smoking to small children and the toxicity of cigarette butts. 

7. Provision and/or Consumption of Alcohol at the Venue

Small quantities of alcohol may be consumed at the party hirer’s own risk; small quantities as reasonable in the context of a children’s party. Alcohol must not be provided to minors or sold in any way. 


Yokine Community Playgroup Inc will not be liable for any INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE that may occur as a result of the consumption or serving of alcohol at the Venue.

8. Before Leaving the Venue

Before leaving the Venue the following must be checked:

  • All appliances to ensure they are off including the stove, microwave and, stereo;

  • The premise is clean (inside and outside), mopped, furniture satisfactorily put away;

  • The Reverse Cycle Air-conditioning to ensure they are off;

  • All lights to ensure they are turned off;

  • The shed door to ensure it is securely closed and padlocked;

  • Lastly, the alarm to ensure it is activated. Please note, the shed is also armed; ensure it is securely closed before arming the alarm on departure.


9. Liability and Damage


  • Use of the Venue is at the party hirer’s own risk. Yokine Community Playgroup will not be liable for any INJURY, LOSS OR DAMAGE that may occur as a result of your use of the Venue.

  • As the Venue is a leased premise, the Hirer is liable to pay to Yokine Community Playgroup the full cost of repairing any damage caused to the Venue, its facilities and any other property (such as equipment, any items, toys within or outside in the Venue) owned by the Playgroup.

  • It is the Hirer’s ultimate responsibility to ensure the Playgroup is left in an undamaged manor as they are responsible for their guests.

  • If any damages to the building or property occur (or identified in bond return photographs), detailed notes and photographs must be taken by the Hirer and provided to the Party Bookings Coordinator. If damages are likely to affect the security of the building or safety of any person using the Venue or the surrounding area, the Party Bookings Coordinator must be notified ASAP (contact details for the Party Bookings Coordinator can be found in the email sent confirming your booking).

  • Where cost to repair any damage is higher than the bond refund this will be discussed with the Yokine Community Playgroup committee as it may trigger an insurance claim. You will be contacted with further payment information if required.  


10. Refund of Bond Monies

The bond monies will be refunded to the person who has booked the Venue subject to all Conditions of Hire as specified herein being met and the Venue having been left in an acceptable and undamaged state at the conclusion of your party.


  • Photographs of the inside and outside area must be provided to the Party Bookings Coordinator at completion of the party as evidence of the condition the Venue was left in prior to the bond being refunded. If any damage is identified within the photographs the Yokine Community Playgroup reserves the right to deduct monies from the bond prior to refund, proportionate to what is required to rectify the damage (refer Section 9). This will be communicated with you if this has been identified.


  • From the photos, if any additional urgent cleaning, vacuum or mopping, rubbish removal or furniture re-arranging is required as result of unsatisfactory practices at completion of the party (as described within these Conditions of Hire) monies will be used from your bond to rectify the issue prior to refund of the remaining amount. This will be communicated with you if this has been identified.


Please note that due to the fact we require two committee members to make a payment within our banking system, your bond can take up to 10 business days to be refunded from the date you provide confirmation of venue photos/banking details. Please be patient during this time. If there are any issues with the centre that concern your bond you will be contacted 2-3 days after your party. If you receive no contact, assume your bond is on its way back to your account.


11. Note regarding Premises

Our playgroup is a community-run enterprise, used primarily by our members as a weekday playgroup.  Please ensure that you respect the venue as such.  If you are interested in joining our playgroup, please contact our enrolments officer at

12. Acceptance of Conditions of Hire

The person who has booked the Venue (the ‘hirer’) is responsible and must abide by these Conditions of Hire. If you decide to proceed with your booking, you will be deemed to have accepted the Conditions of Hire as detailed in 1-12 above.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch via email at

We look forward to hosting you at our venue soon!


© 2024 by Yokine Community Playgroup.

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